If you’re looking to finally get control of pet hair in your home or you would just rather spend your time doing something more fun, there’s a robot vacuum out there for you.
It isn’t always easy to pick the right vacuum. Some vacuums are robot and mop combo units. These robotic vacuums will sometimes work together while with others, you can even operate the mop while the dry side is working.
There are robot vacuums that pick up a ton of pet hair and others that sneeze when the cat walks into the room (kidding! We haven’t met a robotic vacuum yet that didn’t love cats).
We’re dedicated to finding the best robotic vacuums on the market. We do make money if you buy through an affiliate link. If someone sends us a vacuum to review, we’ll give an honest assessment of that product, whether they want us to or not. We’ll only do sponsored posts if we have tried the product and feel it’s a good value. We’ll be upfront about letting you know if the review is sponsored. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if we just started talking up the most expensive vacuums. That’s deceitful and our parents raised us to be better than that.
Just because we’re affiliates for Amazon products doesn’t mean we always believe the top rated reviews either. If there’s a drawback to the vacuum, we’ll let you know. Like we said, we get paid a commission for purchases you make through our links. What people don’t mention is if you return it, Amazon will delete that commission faster than you can say, “refund.” That means it’s in our best interest to be honest with you so that you’re happy with the decision you ultimately make.
Thanks for stopping by and here’s to a cleaner future.